The course syllabus, homework exercise solutions, and other resources are available behind the following links:
- the fall 2024 course syllabus and calendar,
- draft PHY215 laboratory manual,
- esp32 microcontroller data sheet
- esp32 microcontroller exercise book
- IRFZ40 HEXFET data sheet
- style and format example of a scientific paper. Here is a Microsoft word template for a paper submitted to Physical Review journals. The revtex4 package and a template for writing your paper is available from overleaf.
- Each of the exercises in the lab manual must be submitted as a separate markdown file (file extension .md). You have (at least) three options for a markdown editor. (i) VS Code with the markdown plugin installed (ii) CLion or (iii) PyCharm. You will probably need to created an education account for the last two. Also: here is a markdown example (zip file) showing how to document your exercises.